Maria Chornoshkur (Zaitseva)
Maria was born in 2003.
Studied at the Ivan Karpenko-Kary National University of Theatre, Cinema and Television in Kyiv, Department of Puppetry. Speciality: puppet theatre scenography. The course master is Associate Professor, Honoured Artist of Ukraine Ruslan Neupokoiev. The lecturer in scenography is Maria Pohrebniak, chief artist of the Kyiv Academic Theatre on Podil.
Main implemented art projects:
Participation in the exhibitions of the project ‘Ukrainian Theatre Costume of the XX-XXI Centuries: Identity, Context, Landscape’ (2024): gallery of the Dzyga Art Centre (Lviv), Museum of Theatre, Music and Cinema (Kyiv). The project is supported by the UCF and the Ukrainian Institute.
In the project “Ukrainian Theatrical Costume of the XX-XXI Centuries: Identity, Context, Landscape” Maria Chornoshkur presented costumes for the etude based on a Georgian folk tale recorded by T. Razikashvili, created for the educational work in 2022. Directed by D. Kokotiukha.
“Fox's Tricks” is a sketch based on a Georgian folk tale recorded by Tedo Razikashvili. It is a tale about a fox who deceived the owners who gave her shelter, and because of her arrogance became deceived herself. In the sketch, the story begins at the end, when the deceived Fox has to be torn apart by a dog. She analyzes the events that happened to her and where her adventure failed. In this way, we observe the fairy tale from the point of view of her memories, which are surrealistically stretched in time. The costumes of the characters generally resemble the shape of a chokha, with some other elements of Georgian costume present. The material used to make the masks and costumes is gauze bandage, which echoes the texture of a sieve. The masks of human characters are made in the form of archetypal images of a father, mother, and an innocent girl.
Videos of implemented projects:
2RTL Directing works (Section: MASK) “Ninja Hedgehog” - a children's screen performance based on the play by I. Bilytsia (directed by D. Kokotiukha)
“Steam Engine” - a screen performance based on the play ‘About a Poor Guy and a Princess’ by V. Lisovyi (directed by D. Kokotiukha) https://youtu.be/D43h5DqrVtk?si=7O5fmu66Vi3rp9RS
“Pessy and Illusion” - a puppet theater performance based on the fairy tale by Yuri Kokko (directed by V. Goltsov)
“Faded Leaves” - a choreographic performance based on the collection of the same name by Ivan Franko with music by V. Barvinsky (directed and choreographed by I. Zayets, production designer M. Chornoshkur).
“Strength” - a music video for the song by Love.Mary (directed by O. Tuz, production design by M. Chornoshkur).
Participation in the First All-Ukrainian Art Mask Contest “Ukrainian Carnival” (1st place).