We are pleased to continue to share publications about the large-scale international project of the Scenography Gallery "Ukrainian Theatre Costume of the XX-XXI centuries: Identity, Context, Landscape", implemented with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation.
The team started working in the summer of 2024, and in the autumn we presented the results of the project.
In the article, Bohdan Polishchuk, the author and curator of the project, analyses the meanings and sums up the results: "Forming the expositions of the exhibitions within the project "Ukrainian Theatre Costume of the XX-XXI Centuries: Identity, Context, Landscape", we, together with the project team, once again became convinced of the close connection between Ukrainian contemporary theatre costume and the artistic heritage of the twentieth century. This connection not only exists, but it is the driving force behind the process of our departure from the provincialism and colonialism imposed on us by the Russian cultural occupation for many years".
We sincerely thank the Department of Theatre Studies and Acting of the Faculty of Culture and Arts of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Ivan Franko NationalUniversity of Lviv and the editor-in-chief of the magazine " Proscenium " Roman Lavrentiy 😊
Journal "Proscenium" № 3-4 (70-71) 2024